This beautiful bouquet of a dozen red roses is a romantic way to express your love. The number 12 is often associated with completeness and perfection, and is a way to show the person you care about that they are your one and only. Deluxe has 18 roses. Premium has 24 roses.
This is a big vase arrangement filled with a colorful mix of six roses and six carnations accented with babies breath. Deluxe will be 12 carnations and six roses. Premium will be 12 roses and 12 carnations.
A beautiful bouquet of a half dozen red roses in a modern cube style will show you Cherish them. The Deluxe has nine roses. The premium has a dozen. Phone 570-673-5859 for other color availability.
It’s a time full of love and appreciation, so show them how much you care with flowers for your upcoming anniversary! With elegant flowers, professional designers, and a stunning presentation, this bouquet is sure to impress! Send them all your love this year with our Premium Designer’s Choice arrangement.
This wrapped bunch of 12 red roses and babies is ready to be arranged in your own vase. This bouquet has a temporary water supply on each stem that must be removed before being placed in your own vase. Standard is a dozen roses. Deluxe is 18 roses. Premium is 24 roses.
This big, beautiful basket is full of garden flowers. A variety of flowers such as roses, gerbera, alstroemeria, daisies, snapdragons, carnations, miniature carnations, and filler flowers will add a touch of cheer to anyone's day. Approximately 15 inches high and 14 inches wide.
Flowers make the perfect anniversary gift, whether it’s for your first or your golden. They’re your best friend, partner, and the love of your life. This year, make your wedding anniversary special with a floral arrangement of red roses. Call or order online today, and we will deliver your flowers wherever they need to go. You can also stop by the store and hand deliver your flower arrangement yourself.